Roquette is an annual plant from the Cruciferous family.
it is a common wild plant but today it is grown in large quantities for trading purposes.

Roquette has a mustard flavor and the main culinary use of it is as a supplement to various vegetable salads. In the Naples region of Italy, the Roquette use to produce an alcoholic drink.

The Roquette contains a variety of nutritional components with important health properties, contains anti-cancerous components, prevents retinal degeneration, and helps boost energy. it also helps to increases immune, and to deal with constipation. the Roquette helps digestion, improves iron deficiency and anemia. The Roquette cools the body and helps strengthen sexual desire. besides, it is rich in important Vitamins and minerals.

The Roquette is also rich in strong antioxidants called lutein, which protect against various cancers and prevents retinal degeneration in the eye

Nutrition Facts (per 100 grams)

Calories (energy) 13 Water (grams) 95
Protein (grams) 1.3 Vitamin (A) (Ul) (mg) 2373
Carbohydrate (grams) 1.3 Vitamin C (mg) 15
Sugars 0.8 Calcium (mg) 160
Saturated fat (grams) 0  
Dietary fiber 2  

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