The Salanova lettuce is a novelty kind of lettuce. The lettuce head is made from multiple bite-sized leaves, which allow easy and quick cutting. The Salanova is very crispy and Delicious.
There’s a variety of Salanova lettuce. the common kind that we grow in the farm comes in two colors: red and green. It’s has a tasty and sweet flavor.
Salanova lettuce is an international brand that arrived from the Netherlands to the
farm. today you can find it in the Israel economy as well.

Nutrition Facts (per 100 grams)

Calories (energy) 22 Dietary fiber (grams) 1
fat 0 Protein (grams) 5
Cholesterol 0 calcium (RDA%) 7
Sodium (mg) 3 Iron (RDA%)י24
Carbohydrates (grams) 1 Vitamin A (RDA%)י30
Sugars (grams) 1 Vitamin C (RDA%)30


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